Solo RPG Resources Revised

This is my personal curated list of solo RPG games and resources that I like to use or am interested in using. They range from RPGs built with solo playing in mind, to lighter versions doing the same, and then non-solo RPG systems with tools to answer yes-no questions, be more open-ended, or just support play in general. Hopefully this is setup in a way to be most helpful from top to bottom, with my favorites of each section toward the top. The older list is here.

Complete Solo RPG Systems:

Everything you need to pick up and play by yourself. Some are more narratively focused, with mechanisms to support structured play, while most are mechanically driven and let the player inject whatever narrative they would like. Maybe some of the entries in the next section could be swapped and vice versa.

Rules-Lite Solo RPG Systems:

These games tend to be on the lighter side or have less pages. Some even just one page. Some have combat and some are just for exploring.

  • Space Aces: TNG - A super simple sci-fi D20 & D6 rolling system. solo playthrough
  • The Drifter - $4 PDF, A wild west solo game somewhat akin to CYOA, with dice rolling and stats to create a unique game each time.
  • Dungeon Hero - A lighter ‘zine print-and-play RPG for solo players using charactistics to determine which dice to roll against challenges.
  • Risus: Ring of Thieves - A free solo adventure for Risus: The Anything RPG, that also uses a CYOA-style of play.
  • Fabled Lands - $9 book, Fantasy CYOA-style RPG.
  • Micro Chapbook RPG: Basic Edition - $10, v1.75 micro game for fantasy solo play.
  • Rewind: Temporal Tales - Free rules-lite framework for telling stories of time travel, time loops, and precognition.
  • Mappa Imperium - PWYW solo/co-op world building game.
  • Bivius Solo RPG - A free simple RPG and solo system using a coin flip for conflict resolution.
  • Miso RPG - A freeform, minimalist, simple and free solo engine, similar to Bivius.
  • ALONe: A Solo Game Engine BETA - (A Lonesome October Night) is a PWYW solo game engine designed specifically to support role playing with only one player and no Game Master.
  • Soloist RPG - Free short PDF, with tables and simplistic rules for solo playing.
  • so1um - A PWYW one-page solo RPG.
  • so1um enhanced - Free, So1um with added tables and Recluse oracle.
  • Loner - Free freeform solo RPG using aspects of Recluse, Freeform Universal, and 6Q System.
  • 6Q System - $1.50, simple one-page setting-neutral RPG.

Solo Journaling RPGs:

These ones are for journalling an adventure with minimal mechanics. It’s all about the story and characters.

Non-Solo RPG Systems:

Standalone games that are created for group sessions, but you can tack on oracles and other tools below to turn it into a solo RPG.

Randomness and Proceduralization:

Oracles to answer questions you’d usually ask a GM, either yes-no or open-ended.

  • TinySoldiers yes/no - Roll a d6 for answering yes/no with and/but modifer, plus a Twist Die (d6). If a 1 is rolled, twist the scene according to a 2d6 roll (ex: NPC (1) helps the hero (3)). Afterward, roll d6 for the next scene type (dramatic, quiet, meanwhile).
  • The Madey Upy Namey Emulator - online version - Yes/no with a d6 for “Yes, but,” “No, and,” etc., add another die and take the higher or lower for Likely or Unlikely odds. For every 6 rolled gain an intervention point and change entity or plot at 3 points. d10 table for unexpected results when asking, “Is everything as expected?”
  • Recluse - answers yes/no based on the higher of two rolled dice, both 3 or less is a BUT and 4 or more is an AND, extra dice of a color for likely/unlikely, ties challenge the presupposition
  • The Oracle - Uses 3d6 with rules for stability inspired by Mythic. Also includes twists and an events table for altering the scene.
  • One Page Solo Engine - GM emulator for setting a scene, altering it, yes/no, pacing and failure movies, random events, and complex questions. Also has generators for plot hooks, NPCs, dungeon crawling, and hex crawling.
  • Player Emulator with Tags - emulate the players instead of the GM

Things that will add unexpected features to your game, whether it be maps, NPCs, quests, rumors and dialogue, or monsters.

Supporting Tools: